Monday, June 15, 2009

Why I hate math

For as long as I can remember the one subject in school that I never enjoyed was math. I've always hated math ever since I was a little girl. I remember back when I went to P.S. 158 math wasn't my best subject. No matter how hard I tried I never understood it. When I attending Robert F. Wagner Middle School 167 math was still hard for me that I almost got left back in the 6TH grade. Luckily I didn't get left back and I was able to go the 7TH grade. I still had troubled with math all thought junior high but I did graduate. As soon as I started attending The Bayard Rustin Educational Complex which used to be called The Bayard Rustin High School for the Humanities until my senior year. When I took math in my freshman year I actually did really well. I believe it was because I had a good teacher so Mr. Streeter if your reading this it was because of you that I understood math when you taught it to me. In my sophomore year I got a D in math because I had one of the toughtest teahcers in school and her name was Ms. Mackenzie but I did evenutally pass her class. My junior year in high school I had a math teacher named Mr. Merchant and I passed his class with a A on my report card. When I became a senior I didn't have to take math because I had all my math credits. After I graduated high school I did my own thing and I didn't hear about Access until I was 20 years old. Since attending Acess GED I have learned things in math that I never learned in humanities. However I still hate math and it took me a while to improve in math. As I said in a post about the math GED test I believe I did well and I also believe that I'm going to pass this time. Even though I hate math I respect my math teachers that I had in the past and the math teachers I have right now. If anyone has a similar story like my story about a subject they hate and they want me to read it let me know.

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