Wednesday June 24TH, 2009 my school Access GED had a prom. It was on the Spirit of New York and it was beautiful. I went to the prom with my boyfriend Angel and he was happy to go. I wore this hot red dress and Angel wore a really nice black suit. However he forget his tie but it's OK. Angel look just fine without it. I wore my hair down with a diamond hair clip that I found a week before the prom at a store in Chinatown. Angel and I were the first one's to show up. We thought more people would of been there before us but that didn't happen until later. Everyone was dressed so nicely in honor of the prom. I wasn't the only one dressed in red. One of my classmates Reem and A instructor from School Ms. Casey was also wearing red. Together the three of us were the ladies in red. Angel was really happy to attend the prom since he never went to his prom back in humanities. Everyone got on the boat at 6:30 p.m. and The Spirit of New York left around 7:00 p.m. The boat ride was very nice and everyone got a chance to see the statue of liberty. There was a buffet and everyone got a free prom 8 by 10 picture including me and Angel. There was different kinds of music however I'm not really a dancer but Angel is which is good enough for me. Angel and I took plenty of pictures because this is a night we never want to forget.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Coney Island Slide Show
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Coney Island Slide Show
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Prom is coming
Ladies and gentlemen of the blogging world I have this to say. A week from Wednesday the Access GED prom is going to happen. I'm looking forward to going to the prom and so is my boyfriend Angel who never got a chance to go to his prom. Angel if your reading this post I'm giving you a magical night you never had. I've already bought my dress, fancy costume jewelry, my purse and a diamond hairclip I bought on Sunday June 14TH, 2009 at a local store in chinatown. My boyfriend Angel bought my prom shoes so thanks Angel. I can't wait to go to the prom because it's going to be wonderful. I hope anyone from my school who is reading this and going to the prom is ready. I know I'm ready for prom night. If anyone who is reading this doesn't know when prom is it's on Wednesday June 24TH, 2009 and it's being held on The Spirit of New York Cruise Line. When I went to the prom back in humanities it was held at the Holiday Inn Hotel on Friday May 20TH, 2005 and it was nice. It took me a few weeks but I was finally able to pick out a prom hairdue which I believe is very pretty. Angel bought a new suit for the prom and I can't wait to see it. The prom dress I bought is from this dress store name cliquers located at 34TH street and it was cheaper than my old dress. I'll let everyone know how prom went on a future post on my blog and anyone from my school is going to the prom I hope you all have a good time. I know I will.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Why I hate math
For as long as I can remember the one subject in school that I never enjoyed was math. I've always hated math ever since I was a little girl. I remember back when I went to P.S. 158 math wasn't my best subject. No matter how hard I tried I never understood it. When I attending Robert F. Wagner Middle School 167 math was still hard for me that I almost got left back in the 6TH grade. Luckily I didn't get left back and I was able to go the 7TH grade. I still had troubled with math all thought junior high but I did graduate. As soon as I started attending The Bayard Rustin Educational Complex which used to be called The Bayard Rustin High School for the Humanities until my senior year. When I took math in my freshman year I actually did really well. I believe it was because I had a good teacher so Mr. Streeter if your reading this it was because of you that I understood math when you taught it to me. In my sophomore year I got a D in math because I had one of the toughtest teahcers in school and her name was Ms. Mackenzie but I did evenutally pass her class. My junior year in high school I had a math teacher named Mr. Merchant and I passed his class with a A on my report card. When I became a senior I didn't have to take math because I had all my math credits. After I graduated high school I did my own thing and I didn't hear about Access until I was 20 years old. Since attending Acess GED I have learned things in math that I never learned in humanities. However I still hate math and it took me a while to improve in math. As I said in a post about the math GED test I believe I did well and I also believe that I'm going to pass this time. Even though I hate math I respect my math teachers that I had in the past and the math teachers I have right now. If anyone has a similar story like my story about a subject they hate and they want me to read it let me know.
Why I question the GED test
As you all know I took the math GED test on Monday June 8TH, 2009. I wasn't nervous and I was able to answer all the questions to the best of my ability. It's been a week and now I'm waiting for my results and hopefully my diploma in the mail. But I always wanted to know why does it take so long to get the scores of the GED test. It's bugs me that I have to wait a long time to know how I did on a test. Before the real test I took the practice test and I got my results right away. Why can't I get my real results as fast as I got my practice test results? I remember when I took the GED test last time I had to wait five weeks just for my results. I didn't want Ms. Linda my principal to tell me and I didn't want to call either. So I waited and I got my second GED test results on Thursday April 16TH, 2009 and I said before I failed math for the second time. That was in the past and this is now. I'm looking forward to knowing my results but like a post I wrote on my blog in the past I'M FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm going to try to remain calm because I was calm while I was taking the math GED test. However I hate the fact that I have to wait forever to know the results of the math GED test that I took. I hate waitng and I have no patients but I'm going to make the best of it and just wait.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Growing up I used to watch classic disney cartoons made by the late great Walt Disney. My favorite cartoon was Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney on May 15TH, 1928. Walt Disney was the original voice of this beloved disney character until 1947. Jimmy MacDonald took over doing Mickey's voice from 1947 to 1977. When Jimmy MacDonald no longer did Mickey's voice Wayne Allwine took over and was the 3rd person to be Mickey Mouse's voice from 1977 to 2009 which was the year Wayne Allwine passed away. Another classic disney character is Mickey's girlfriend Minnie Mouse. She was also created on May 15TH, 1928 and Walt Disney was also the this character's orginal voice. Macrchellite Garner took over in 1928 and was Minnie's second voice until 1940. In1940 Themla Boardman was the 3rd person to be the voice of Minnie mouse but she only did it until 1942. Ruth Clifford was the 4th person to be the voice of Minnie Mouse from 1942 to 1986. The person who does Minnie Mouse's voice today is Russ Taylor. I found a few pictures of the classic disney couple and I thought they would cute on my blog. Please comment and tell me which one is your favorite.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Math GED Test
Hello everyone I Kristine Ann Melendez have this to say. Monday June 8TH, 2009 I took the math GED test. Before the test I studied real hard that way I would make sure that I'll pass this time. As I always say in other post in my blog I really want my GED diploma ever since my friend Sherwin signed me up for this program. I have a good feeling that I'll pass this time because I was familiar with a lot of the questions on the test. Plus for the first time the math GED test didn't make me nervous. In the past when I took the math GED test I freaked out and I didn't believe in myself. My teachers have always told me that I can pass if I just try. Well to all my teachers who believe in me I just want to say thanks for having faith in me. When I get my diploma and I will I'll thank you in a speech that I post in my blog in the near future. There were a few questions that I didn't understand at first but I thought about it and to the best of my ability I was able to answer the questions that were a little bit hard. I believe that I'll pass this time and so does everyone else that I know. I'll let everyone know if I pass the GED test which I will in a future post. Please comment on today's blog entry.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
How I feel about the math GED test
To all the people who blog I have this to say. I recently took the math practice GED test because the principal of ACCESS GED Ms. Linda told me to just take math because math is all I need to pass the real test. I got a 440 on the math practice test which is the highest I have ever gotten. I was surprise but in a good way because I thought I failed again. I realize now that I should always believe in myself and I can pass the real math GED test. I used to think that I would never improve in math and that I'll never pass math. Now I know that I can do this because since I pass the math practice test I'm ready to take the real math test because I'm doing better in math. All my teachers are proud of me for getting a 440 on the math practice test and that makes me happy. If I can pass the math practice test with a score like that then I can totally get the extra points I need for the real test. I'm going to take the math GED test on Monday June 8TH, 2009 as told by Ms. Linda. I look forward to just taking the math test because I think the reason why I failed the math part of the GED test is because I was stressed out from all the other subjects I had to take and the fact that I had no confident when I saw a math question that look like that I couldn't do. My math teacher Ms. Hemans told me that I should relax, read each question carefully, and don't freak out if a question looks too hard. To anyone reading this wish me luck on the math GED test because as soon as I pass math and I will, I'll finally have my GED diploma which will make me super ultra mega happy!!!!!!!!